
So I believe that every one is broken in some way or another. There are no perfect people. Everyone sins, everyone lies, everyone does bad things. We can't help it its in our nature. 

God made us in His image. Not exactly like him, but similar. He gave us life. And in return were meant to give him ours. " For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." Luke 9:24.  See the thing about free will is it will either greaten your life or completely destroy it. I'm proof of both. God gave this to you, so you can of your own free will either choose to follow Him, or follow the world and the people in it. Which in turn turn directly to you following Satan.
 Satan was cast out of Heaven for his need and want to be like God or even more than that. God saw something change. Selfishness and vain came into play. No one is really sure the time period between the time he came to earth and the time we were created. So you can imagine that he is really pissed off. He is going to do everything he can to destroy us and take control of our lives. You can bet your bottom dollar on that.
God on the other hand is in control. Control of the outcome of your life, where you will go, who you will meet. Now don't get me wrong but you still have the free will. There are certain choices you will make that will change your life. He is already anticipating it. Pretty much he like a dad that wants you to make the best decisions for you. Faith also plays a big part. If you don't have faith in Him, He won't completely reveal Himself to you. He always cares and loves you no matter what. But do you love and care for him all the time no matter whats going on in your life? Probably not.

We were placed in the world for a reason. Plain and simple to:

1. Love God
2. Love People
3. Serve God
4. Serve People


1 Response to Broken

  1. Kayla Jo Says:
    ahhhh your writing amazez me!! [: